Central Administration
We Have Made Significant Changes In College Administration By Implementing Division Of Work I.E. By Creating Sections And Under Each Section We Have A Section In-Charge. Along With This The Other Changes Are:
- Implementation of Sign-In, Sign-Out Muster & Late Muster, resulted in considerable punctuality among staff members.
- Specific time for submission of leave application, which helped administrative staff to ain and update leave records on time.
- Segmentation of work is done and then the work is allotted to the specific Section Incharge, which improves the efficiency (quick completion of work in less time).
- Records of entire staff members are created in form of their personal files.
- Timely updating files, service book and leave records are done, which improves the efficiency of administrative staff.
- As per the norms of Dental Council of India & Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik, all the documentation of College records is done.
- In the past one year we have got the Recognition Notification by Govt. of India i.e. Recognition of BDS degree awarded by Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik. We have also undergone four Inspections conducted by DCI and MUHS in which three were UG Inspections and 1 was a PG Inspection, out of which two UG Inspection were conducted by DCI and 1 UG and 1 PG Inspection was conducted by MUHS, as a result of which we have got the Affiliation permission for 2011-12, Central Govt. permission and we have also got the permission from MUHS & DCI for Starting Post Graduate Courses in all 9 specialties of Dentistry i.e. Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Oral & Maxillo-facial Surgery, Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Periodontology, Orthodontics and DentofacialOrthopedics, Oral Pathology & Microbiology, Pedodontics& Preventive Dentistry,Oral Medicine Diagnosis & Radiology and Public Health Dentistry.
- Under each Section In-charge sufficient clerical staff/supporting staff is provided for help and smooth functioning of the section.
- Circulars are sent and sufficient time is given to the staff members to get acquainted before implementing any kind of new rules and regulation in the College Administration as a result of which transparency is aimed.